8th Grade Language Arts


Happy New Year!

Welcome back to class! Our first week back to school will be very busy as we all settle in to our school routines again.  I would like to give you a preview of what the week holds for 8th grade.

We will be starting unit 9 in the vocabulary textbook, please be aware that the test for this unit will be on January 13th (Next Monday).

Unit 9 workbook pages and sentences are due on Friday- January 10th.

We will also be starting our persuasive writing workshop, creating a commercial, and analyzing poetry. 

The poetry selections are "Lesson of the Moth" and "Identity" there will be a test on this material on Friday, January 10th.

We will also be reading and discussing Greek Mythology while reading "Icarus and Daedalus" on page 329 in the literature textbook.



Scholastic Books are back!  Please place all book orders online at the following address:
